Our Blog

On the Road Again

Alex Ayers – Life of an Intern at Karin’s Florist – Blog #5 I had a great view and a comfortable seat; there was nothing more I could ask for. I was riding shotgun with one of the Florist’s most experienced delivery drivers, Andreas. It felt great to be out and about, and like a...

Lost and Found

Alex Ayers – Life of an Intern at Karin’s Florist – Blog #4 I was bothered and felt defeated. I never thought work would involve playing hide and seek, but here I was playing all the same, and by the way, I wasn’t winning. I was looking for a box of 4102 gathering vases, and...

Christmas in July

Alex Ayers – Life of an Intern at Karin’s Florist – Blog #3 I thought it was a little early to be getting excited about the holiday season, but it was Christmas in July at Karin’s. There were boxes of Christmas merchandise ranging from large light up Christmas trees to glass ornaments all waiting at...

Roses and Thorns

Alex Ayers – Life of an Intern at Karin’s Florist – Blog #2 As I reached for the roses, I felt a sharp prick on my finger. I jumped away from the table. In a state of excitement, I looked down at the neat petals of the aggressor which sat still. I looked up and...

Meet Our New Intern

Introduction to Alex’s First Blog Post: We are delighted to introduce you to our newest team member, Alex Ayers, an aspiring business enthusiast who has embarked on a transformative journey as an intern here at Karin’s Florist. In this blog and many blogs to follow, Alex will be documenting his experiences, observations, and discoveries as...

Mental Health Awareness Month

As a florist, we are already aware of the beauty and magic of flowers and plants. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, there is growing evidence that these natural wonders can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s explore how flowers and plants can help improve moods...

4 Steps to Growing Succulents

Succulents are a great addition to your plant collection. Succulents are low-maintenance plants that will thrive if you forget about them for weeks at a time. To keep succulents happy, you may want to follow the four steps outlined below. 1. Make Sure Your Succulents Get Enough Light Most succulents grow in warm regions with...

Phoenix Rising – A Virtual Floral Art Exhibition

In Mythology, the phoenix rises as a symbol of hope and renewal. What better way to celebrate moving forward from these unprecedented times than with the natural beauty of flowers! Karin’s Florist is proud to be part of the AIFD American Institute of Floral Designers Phoenix Rising Floral Art Exhibition in honor of the late...

Orchid Care & Handling

Having trouble taking care of your orchid? You’re not alone; many people ponder “how do I not kill this thing” after receiving their new tropical plant. In this article, we’ll be using information from the American Orchid Society to help you keep your orchids alive and well! First step in taking care of your orchid...