Artistic Serenade Bouquet


The “Artistic Serenade Bouquet” is a captivating arrangement that harmonizes the vibrant hues of premium orange roses and yellow tulips. The bouquet is elegantly designed in a sleek white Polish glass vase, adding a touch of modern sophistication to the ensemble. Curly willow accents gracefully intertwine throughout the arrangement, lending an artistic and whimsical flair.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 15″H x 14″W
Product # KF2423


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


The “Artistic Serenade Bouquet” is a captivating arrangement that harmonizes the vibrant hues of premium orange roses and yellow tulips. The bouquet is elegantly designed in a sleek white Polish glass vase, adding a touch of modern sophistication to the ensemble. Curly willow accents gracefully intertwine throughout the arrangement, lending an artistic and whimsical flair.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 15″H x 14″W
Product # KF2423