Whispering Love Bouquet


Our Whispering Love Bouquet captures the essence of pure serenity and grace. Delicately crafted with 15 premium white roses, symbolizing purity and innocence, each bloom is meticulously hand-picked to ensure the highest quality.

The white roses are tenderly tied together, forming a captivating bouquet that exudes elegance and sophistication. Adding a touch of enchantment, a single stem of hydrangea graces the arrangement. To enhance the artistic allure, we adorn “Whispering Love” with a lush monstera leaf, adding a touch of lush greenery and a modern twist.

Product # KF2351


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Our Whispering Love Bouquet captures the essence of pure serenity and grace. Delicately crafted with 15 premium white roses, symbolizing purity and innocence, each bloom is meticulously hand-picked to ensure the highest quality.

The white roses are tenderly tied together, forming a captivating bouquet that exudes elegance and sophistication. Adding a touch of enchantment, a single stem of hydrangea graces the arrangement. To enhance the artistic allure, we adorn “Whispering Love” with a lush monstera leaf, adding a touch of lush greenery and a modern twist.

Product # KF2351