Pink Petal Bouquet


Indulge in the gentle elegance of our Pink Petal Bouquet. Overflowing with the soft allure of pink gerbera daisies, the delicate charm of pink carnations, and the timeless beauty of premium red roses, this arrangement is a celebration of grace and beauty.

Each flower is meticulously chosen and arranged to create a harmonious composition that exudes warmth and affection. Whether it’s to convey love, express gratitude, or simply to brighten someone’s day, the Pink Petal Bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that promises to evoke smiles and warm hearts with its radiant hues and sweet fragrance.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 14″H x 15″W.
Product # KF2438


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Indulge in the gentle elegance of our Pink Petal Bouquet. Overflowing with the soft allure of pink gerbera daisies, the delicate charm of pink carnations, and the timeless beauty of premium red roses, this arrangement is a celebration of grace and beauty.

Each flower is meticulously chosen and arranged to create a harmonious composition that exudes warmth and affection. Whether it’s to convey love, express gratitude, or simply to brighten someone’s day, the Pink Petal Bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that promises to evoke smiles and warm hearts with its radiant hues and sweet fragrance.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 14″H x 15″W.
Product # KF2438