Lady Bug Boots Bouquet


The Lady Bug Boots Bouquet is nestled within a cheerful yellow ceramic rain boot container adorned with adorable red ladybugs.

At the heart of this arrangement, premium yellow roses and yellow carnations, exuding warmth and radiance. Complementing the roses are the striking red Hypericum berries and Gerbera daisies adding a pop of color and a sense of liveliness to the bouquet.

This arrangement is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 14″ H x 8 ” W
Product # KF2430


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


The Lady Bug Boots Bouquet is nestled within a cheerful yellow ceramic rain boot container adorned with adorable red ladybugs.

At the heart of this arrangement, premium yellow roses and yellow carnations, exuding warmth and radiance. Complementing the roses are the striking red Hypericum berries and Gerbera daisies adding a pop of color and a sense of liveliness to the bouquet.

This arrangement is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 14″ H x 8 ” W
Product # KF2430