Winnie the Pooh’s Bee Happy Bouquet


The Winnie the Pooh’s Bee Happy Bouquet is a charming and whimsical arrangement that features bright and cheerful selection of flowers. The flowers are arranged in a playful Winnie the Pooh-themed ceramic holder styled in the form of a hunny pot and has a raised emblem on front featuring Pooh, bees, and a “Be Happy” slogan that adds a touch of fun to the arrangement.

To add to the theme, the bouquet includes wooden kitchen utensils that are adorned with flowers and bee designs. These utensils are not only decorative but also functional, making this gift perfect for those who love to cook or bake.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 21″ H x 15″ W
  • Set includes three wooden utensils and molded ceramic holder
  • Utensils include two slotted turners and one solid spoon
  • Officially licensed Disney product
Product # KF2333


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


The Winnie the Pooh’s Bee Happy Bouquet is a charming and whimsical arrangement that features bright and cheerful selection of flowers. The flowers are arranged in a playful Winnie the Pooh-themed ceramic holder styled in the form of a hunny pot and has a raised emblem on front featuring Pooh, bees, and a “Be Happy” slogan that adds a touch of fun to the arrangement.

To add to the theme, the bouquet includes wooden kitchen utensils that are adorned with flowers and bee designs. These utensils are not only decorative but also functional, making this gift perfect for those who love to cook or bake.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 21″ H x 15″ W
  • Set includes three wooden utensils and molded ceramic holder
  • Utensils include two slotted turners and one solid spoon
  • Officially licensed Disney product
Product # KF2333