Sparkling Romance Bouquet


Sweep them off their feet with Sparkling Romance, a breathtaking Valentine’s Day bouquet of soft pink and pure white blooms, elegantly arranged in a vase adorned with shimmering pink gems. Delicate premium roses, pink tulips and hyacinth whisper love and devotion, while sparkling accents add a touch of enchantment. A perfect blend of beauty and brilliance!

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 10″H x 10″W
Product # KF2504


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Sweep them off their feet with Sparkling Romance, a breathtaking Valentine’s Day bouquet of soft pink and pure white blooms, elegantly arranged in a vase adorned with shimmering pink gems. Delicate premium roses, pink tulips and hyacinth whisper love and devotion, while sparkling accents add a touch of enchantment. A perfect blend of beauty and brilliance!

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 10″H x 10″W
Product # KF2504